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How Chinese Shoppers Downgraded Their Ambition

China's Downgraded Demand: A Reflection of Economic Realities

Exploring the Decline in Consumer Spending

China's consumer spending has taken a noticeable downturn, with shoppers spending 4bn yuan less on eyeliner and lotion between January and June compared to the previous year. This trend is in stark contrast to the high expectations for the nation's economic recovery just eight months ago.

Changing Consumer Priorities

Chinese businesses and policymakers are concerned about this trend, which indicates a shift in consumer priorities. Wealthier Chinese consumers are now focusing on more affordable options and experiences, while those living on lower incomes are prioritizing essential goods.

Economic Factors at Play

This decline in spending is a result of a slowdown in the growth of disposable income and annual spending per household. China has also recently entered deflation for the first time since 2021, leading to a 0.3 percent year-over-year decline in consumer prices.

Opportunities Amidst the Downturn

Despite the challenges, some Chinese businesses see an opportunity in the shift towards frugality. They are offering more affordable products and services to meet the changing demands of consumers.

A Symbol of Changed Times

The decline in consumer spending is a reflection of the changing economic landscape in China. The slogan "Even those born poor fear the heat," printed on lemonade from the popular Mixue chain, has become a poignant reminder of the changing priorities of Chinese consumers.
