WEB Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York is 11 miles It takes approximately 15 min to drive from Newark to New York. Drive from Newark to New York City Center 139 miles Newark to New York City Center by train subway and walk The journey time between Newark and New York City. There are 886 miles from Newark to New York in east direction and 11 miles 1770 kilometers by car following the US-1 and US-9 route. WEB How far is it from Newark to New York City Newark Liberty International Airport is about 13-18 miles from midtown Manhattan depending on your route. WEB The journey time between Newark and Manhattan is around 29 min and covers a distance of around 12 miles This includes an average layover time of around 1 min..
WEB Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York is 11 miles It takes approximately 15 min to drive from Newark to New York. Drive from Newark to New York City Center 139 miles Newark to New York City Center by train subway and walk The journey time between Newark and New York City. There are 886 miles from Newark to New York in east direction and 11 miles 1770 kilometers by car following the US-1 and US-9 route. WEB How far is it from Newark to New York City Newark Liberty International Airport is about 13-18 miles from midtown Manhattan depending on your route. WEB The journey time between Newark and Manhattan is around 29 min and covers a distance of around 12 miles This includes an average layover time of around 1 min..