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Astronomy Basics Planets Moons And Skywatching

Astronomy Basics: Planets, Moons, and Skywatching

Six Planets Align in Rare Celestial Event

Planetary Parade to Grace Skies in 2024

Prepare for an astronomical spectacle in 2024! Six planets in our solar system will align in the sky near dawn. However, only three of these planets will be visible to the naked eye: Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus.

This phenomenon, known as a planetary parade, is a rare celestial event that occurs when the orbits of multiple planets line up so that they appear close together in the sky. The alignment will be most prominent early on June 3 and 4, 2024.

While all six planets will be present during the parade, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus will be the brightest and easiest to spot. Observers will need clear skies and a clear view of the eastern horizon before sunrise to catch a glimpse of this cosmic dance.

Don't miss out on this enchanting astronomical event. Mark your calendars for June 2024 and look towards the eastern sky at dawn to witness the celestial ballet of six planets.
